

Artwork     E very fancy story of the modern cinematic world would normally end with someone choosing somebody over someone or somebody happy about their choices or else regretting them. But, isn't cinema inspired with what's actually happening in and around us? we are driven by examples so here goes that ; a middle class government teacher choosing a fair lady over a dark skinned one would be choosing somebody over someone . There are always outcomes of everything we choose or want or desire and sometimes we are so tired of choosing, wanting or desiring that we loosen for our defense mechanisms and stay idle for something miraculous to happen to us. We let others pick us up and feel special because they picked us, we get comfortable in their pouch like we have been naked forever. They bring us closer towards them as to give us the warmth we were craving for and then all of a sudden we are thrown away like we were a pebble picked up and stretched in a slingshot pouch to target

Gordian Knot

  Lost between light and shadow Dark soul just taking her marrow Holistic nerves getting a bit narrow About to lose her inner meadow Melanin flood destroying nature's glow Alas! the garden got no chance to grow Fiery land made fun of frozen seeds And the roses got gesture of weeds The Gordian knot from long ago Made chaos in the sky and colorless rainbow Stucked breath mourning under politic snow And her ears waiting for a melodic presto Title: Gordian Knot Medium: Compressed Charcoal on paper Year: 2023 Size: 28/16 (inch)